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Scholarship Day 2022

Shiv Nadar University Chennai distributed various types of scholarships to its deserving and meritorious students during the Scholarship Day 2022 function that took place on 11 June 2022 in its main auditorium. Twenty-two students received scholarships/financial assistance from the University. These scholarships fall under Merit Scholarships, Merit-cum-Means Scholarships, Sports Scholarships, financial assistance to B.Com & B.Com (PA) students, and Vidya Gyan students. The first session of the ceremony which started at 12:45 pm had Mrs. Vaishnavi Raja, VP- Strategy & Operations, SECO Controls Pvt. Ltd and Director, EQuad Engineering Services along with Mr.Narendar, Vice President of Engineering, Mr. Cooper as the special guests. The second session which took place at 2 pm had Ravichandran Aswin Indian cricketer and alumnus of SSN Institutions) as the chief guest. The event was presided over by the Pro-Chancellor Dr. Kala Vijayakumar in the presence of the Vice-Chancellor Dr. S. K. Bhattacharyya and SSNCE Principal Dr. V. E. Annamalai.